
The jquery interative image plugin with a builder


ImageLinks is a lightweight solution for creation interactive images. With this plugin you are able to easily make an interactive image for your site that empowers publishers and bloggers to create more engaging content by adding rich media links to photos. Use this plugin to create interactive news photography, infographics, and shoppable product catalogs in minutes! It supports CSS3 animations for tooltips and multiple instances. The plugin can be deployed easily. It runs on all modern browsers and mobile devices..


  • Advanced Builder - prepare a config easily
  • HotSpots - allows you to mark different areas that you want to point out
  • Tooltip System – the plugin has a build-in powerful tooltip system
  • Popover Animation - over 100 types
  • Awesome Looks - 3 predefined themes
  • Responsive - render well on a variety of devices
  • View customization - create your own theme
  • Good API - over 20 options
  • Easy Integration
  • Help via Email
  • and so more..

How To Use

Setup your config

If you want to create a config quickly and easily, without having to worry about manual changes, use our builder. The builder is a web-based designing app and it's included in the package. It enables users to create an imteractive image in a short period. This saves you so much in terms of time and resources.

Create a simple HTML file

1. Load jQuery.js and jquery.imagelinks.min.js in the head section for your html document

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.imagelinks.min.js"></script>

2. Set up your image

<img src="assets/images/myimage.jpg" alt="My Image" id="myimagelinks">

4. Finally just call the plugin on your image

4.1 Simple example (without links)

$(document).ready(function() {



4.2 Advanced example.

$(document).ready(function() {

		theme: "imgl-default", // CSS styles for controls, change it to match your own theme
		popover: true, // enable or disable the build-in popover system
		popoverTemplate: "<div class='imgl-popover'><div class='imgl-close'></div><div class='imgl-arrow'></div><div class='imgl-content'></div></div>", // base HTML to use when creating the popover
		popoverPlacement: "top", // set the position of the popover (top, bottom, left, right, top-right, top-left, bottom-right, bottom-left)
		popoverShowTrigger: "hover", // specify how popover is triggered (click, hover)
		popoverHideTrigger: "leave", // specify how popover is hidden (click, leave, bodyclick, manual)
		popoverShowClass: null, // specify the css3 animation class for the popover show
		popoverHideClass: null, // specify the css3 animation class for the popover hide
		hotSpotBelowPopover: true, // specify the z-order of the hotSpot against the popover
		hotSpots: [], // specify an array of hot spots that can be links to news, posters, albums and other media content etc
		// the definition of a hotSpot
		// x: 0 // specify the x position of the hotspot’s location in % [0;1]
		// y: 0 // specify the y position of the hotspot’s location in % [0;1]
		// className: null // specify additional css classes
		// content: null // if set, the value is displayed as the hotspot's content
		// popoverHtml: true // specify the type of the popover content
		// popoverWidth: null // specify the width in px of the popover
		// popoverContent: null // if set, the value is displayed as the popover's content, it can be text or HTML content, or a method - function myfunc()
		// popoverPlacement: "top" // set the position of the popover (top, bottom, left, right, top-right, top-left, bottom-right, bottom-left)
		// userData: null // specify the user data that is associated with the hotspot, useful when the popoverContent is a method
		hotSpotSetup: false, // set or disable manual setup of hotspots in the current image
		mobile: false, // enable or disable the animation in the mobile browsers
